Welcome my fiends!

Hauntcast - Haunt, Halloween & Horror Podcast oozes back out of the slime to infect the podosphere once again — as G/host Chris Baker and the Hauntcast Scream Team bring you haunt community news, horror updates & reviews, how-to’s, product spotlights, haunt theory as well as haunter interviews.

Founded in 2008, Hauntcast is the original Halloween Haunting & Horror podcast that has more lives than a black cat.

halloween podcast - baker

The Hauntcast Scream Team

haunt podcast halloween podcast


Hauntcast creator and g/host, is a home haunter, prop builder, Halloween junkie, horror comic lover, wise ass and all around Masshole.

He started home haunting in 1979 and has been at it, off & on, ever since.

G-Host | Village Mire Yard Haunt

haunt podcast -  terror tech


Haunter, Escape Room designer, builder, Magician, and all-around Tech Junkie. If it goes bump in the night, he will let you know if it's connected to a 120 Volts. His obsession with Tech is only exceeded by his power bill!

Haunted Fresno: Haunt Owner

halloween podcast - something wicked


By the pricking of our thumbs, your Something Wicked host this way comes. Wick-Ed is the owner/operator at Chamber of Terror haunted attraction in Salem MA and is a master haunt designer and builder for Haunt Dawgs as well as former haunt director at Spooky World & Nightmare New England. He also enjoys eating flies.

Chamber of Terrors, Haunt Owner

Horror podcast - Johnny Thunder


Horror Host: Shocktails | Cue Line Actor Bates Motel PA

The illegitimate love child of Aquanetta the Jungle Woman and Dynamo Dan the Electric Man, your Shocktails host took an early interest in horror films, novels and comic books. Accordingly, he is now a scare-actor and fetish pin-up model.

haunt podcast - Skully O'Toole


Baker’s partner in slime. Skully is the in house producer, voice over talent and all around nuisance to Baker and other Scream Team members.

When he’s not annoying Baker he is making faux commercials, PSA and song parodies.

haunting podcast  - revenant


Theater of the Mind & Beastiary | Costume Con Prop Master

From the Theater of the Mind, he seeks those places where the veil between worlds grows thin and tattered, gliding through the Bestiary to bring News From Beyond into the world of flesh you call your own. Also, co-creator of Hauntast.

haunt podcast news from beyond



Hauntcast’s Anchorman-ifestation cut his teeth in broadcast working at 1340 KAB, Antonio Bay.

He enjoys crushing bones, terrorizing trick r treaters & long walks in the moon light.